Saturday, February 27, 2010


So here is something that happened this past week, particularly Thursday and Friday. I will preface this by stating something clear from Scripture. Coincidence does not exist.

As most people know, I have been inundated with homework, tests, and work on top of dealing with the loss of my mom and getting everything in order at home. Well, one more thing was added to the mix, a NASA proposal due on that next Monday. Not being a last minute person and realizing that I had basically no ideas or anything written down, I naturally freaked out. It was so bad that at least from my perspective I had a nervous panic attack, even freaking out several people in my department. To the best of my knowledge, this was brought on by having too many things going on, especially with my family situation, and I could not take the pressure. I should add here that there was definitely added pressure from the fact that my mom communicated to me on several occasions before she passed away that she felt like I needed to work for NASA at some point.

This was only the second time I had reacted that way to circumstances and my situation. Eventually I calmed down, relaxed, and ended up getting some ideas and making a good start on the proposal. I got the rough draft finished Friday morning. So here is the interesting part about this escapade.

When I calmed down, I realized I had not trusted in God in that issue. I realized I was acting pretty stupidly about the whole situation and that everything was going to be fine. And it was. I got the rough draft finished with a weekend of work on it still possible. And then comes Friday night. I get an email. It says that the deadline has been pushed back one week. Obviously, I jump for joy because I got a little breathing room and then I think. So this deadline got pushed back another week after it had already been pushed back a month previously. Hmmm....


  1. welcome to research world,goofball!!=P

  2. yea..but this is a little different than normal circumstance that research occurs in... ha...
